Sustainable livelihood model: Organic potato cultivation in coastal Thanh Hoa Province  - Training and manuals for implementation

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September, 29 2021
Sustainable livelihood model: Organic potato cultivation in coastal Thanh Hoa Province 

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The project Improving the Resilience of Vulnerable Coastal Communities to Climate Change-Related Impacts in Viet Nam is supporting sustainable livelihood activities to compensate for the temporary loss of household income caused by mangrove plantation and regeneration in Thanh Hoa province. To date, aquaculture and poultry farming activities have brought in a good harvest. However, farmers face potential risks when selling their products due to market fluctuation, buyer-controlled prices, or middlemen without a specific commitment from purchasing enterprises. 

In order to better support farmers’ long-term success, the project has worked in coordination with the Institute of Agro-biology, the Orion Vina Company, and local communities to implement 30 hectares of organic potato cultivation in three coastal communes of Thanh Hoa province

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